There have been some unspeakably wicked things done in the name of God over the centuries. In my lifetime I can't think of a more wicked act done in the name of the Christian God than the Republican Party's nefarious campaign to teach Christians that God opposes abortion.
Frank Schaeffer's autobiographical book - 'Crazy For God' - Frank
reveals that his father, Francis Schaeffer (the defacto
father of the pro-life movement) came to regret his participation in
the politics that would spawn the pro-life movement within the
American Republican Party. In Frank's later book -
“Sex, Mom and God” - Frank illuminates further the corrupt
politics that brought regret to his father's last days. Both of these
books, as well as Jonathan Dudley's book 'Broken Word: The Abuse
of Science and Faith in American Politics' are
excellent resources for anyone interested in knowing the
full convoluted history of the anti-abortion heresy being
taught in Evangelical churches today for the purpose
of maintaining political power in America.
medical abortion is a relatively new phenomenon in the world. When
this procedure was unexpectedly legalized, in 1972, many in the
Evangelical Christian world began to wonder out
loud where Jesus might stand on the issue
of abortion. There were no centuries old church decrees
concerning abortion in existence, so the responsibility
initially fell on the individual believer to decide for
themselves what the 'will of God' might be concerning abortion.
abortion was widely embraced as a godsend by many respected Christian
thinkers during the 1970's, including Southern Baptist
theologians, opposing forces soon emerged intent on re-shaping the
layperson's understanding of abortion - for political purposes.
Anti-abortion activists and authors such
as John Rushdoony and Francis Schaeffer began
teaching that abortion is an unprecedented form of last
days evil and those who practice it commit murder.
doctrinal uncertainty brewing in Evangelical America, some leaders
within the Republican Party saw an opportunity
to seduce a larger segment of the Evangelical voting block
away from the Democratic Party by making abortion rights a
hot-button political issue among politically minded
Evangelicals. Frank Shaeffer and his father were commissioned by
Republican political operatives to create several films designed
to teach American Evangelicals that God opposes abortion – that
abortion is nothing short of murder. These films were then shown in Evangelical churches throughout America.
is a thumbnail history of how many Evangelical Christians were
first taught to believe God opposes abortion.
First, what's wrong with the pro-life or 'anti-choice' world view – From a traditional Christian perspective of God?
The logic of the pro-life world view begins its trajectory off the rails by denying that the creation of human life is an extended process initiated - not by God - but by the will and actions of human beings. Pro-life advocates also declare a fetus a person and that person-hood begins at conception. A similar statement of false logic might be: A stack of lumber is a house. Pro-life advocates stray further from logic by insisting that the soul – or one's self-awareness and personality - come into existence at the moment of conception as well.
If it is true that all conceptions are the will of God, then the pro-life position could remain somewhat logical from a traditional Christian perspective. But if one believes that not all conceptions are the will of God - such as conception from rape, incest or casual sex, then the pro-life position quickly becomes illogical.
But the most illogical aspect of the pro-life argument is the wholly illogical assumption that it is God's unchanging will that all human conceptions result in live birth. That God - were he to be given a choice - would never prefer that some conceptions do not result in a live birth.
The belief
that God desires all conceptions come to term simply
because men and women have managed to produce a
conception is illogical because it strips God of autonomy of will once conception has occurred. So no matter if that conception
came about as the result of rape, incest or sex between partners
unfit to be parents or for any other reason, the pro-life worldview strips God of autonomy of will to desire the termination of that conception. God's hands have been tied.
A similar statement of false logic would be:
I successfully robbed a bank so now
I should assume God wants me to keep the money.
is illogical to think that just because a man and woman have
managed to mix an egg and sperm together it must therefore
be God's will that a child be born in the world.
In humanity's distant past conception might have been
considered an act of the will of God never to be interfered with, but doctors today can
produce conceptions on demand in the lab by simply
mixing the correct ingredients. Humans and humans alone are who
have been given the power to bring forth conception from
the void - not God - the will of God need not be consulted to produce a conception.
Any mad scientist can mix the ingredients which starts the
process which leads to the creation of human life.
The anti-choice worldview is promoted in our Evangelical churches by means of very powerful manipulations of the emotions, along with a preference for some scripture verses over other scripture. Fear and ignorance is the real foundation of the pro-life advocates argument.
Christians would do well to settle all
the conflicting scriptural arguments concerning human
reproduction with the only passage of scripture describing
the creation of human life. Genesis 2:17 (KJV) “And the LORD
God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
passage of scripture states clearly that the creation of a living
soul is a process and not an instantaneous event. The
human soul – one's self awareness and personality - does not come into existence
until after the breath of life has entered the body and yet the
pro-life advocate declares that a human soul comes into existence at the moment of conception.
now understand, in part, why nature often aborts a
partially developed fetus through miscarriage. Chromosome
damage is routinely discovered in the autopsies of
miscarried fetuses. Chromosome damage leads to DNA replication
errors, which causes birth defects.
Evidently nature is much more concerned about ensuring a healthy body for a potential human soul than it is about the destruction of a fetus through miscarriage - because nature is by far the most prolific abortionist of all. Researchers currently estimate that well over half of all human conceptions end in spontaneous abortion. Some conceptions don't implant in the uterus while others detach after an extended period of gestation. Why, dear pro-life advocate, is nature involved in such murderous behavior?
Evidently nature is much more concerned about ensuring a healthy body for a potential human soul than it is about the destruction of a fetus through miscarriage - because nature is by far the most prolific abortionist of all. Researchers currently estimate that well over half of all human conceptions end in spontaneous abortion. Some conceptions don't implant in the uterus while others detach after an extended period of gestation. Why, dear pro-life advocate, is nature involved in such murderous behavior?
evolving understanding of miscarriage reveals that nature is at work
using her particular brand of wisdom to ensure that not all
conceptions result in live birth - attempting to create the perfect
human body - for the sake of the soul which will ultimately be
required to inhabit that body. Humans must use their own
evolving understanding of reproductive biology in a similar fashion –
to abort when necessary - to ensure that no child is born with a
defective body needlessly.
what's wrong with the pro-life argument - From a non-traditional Christian perspective of God?
majority of people understand it is illogical and highly
counterproductive to oppose reproductive choice. Abortion is
often the most rational course of action for the sake of the woman,
her family and the potential child. Those of us who do support
reproductive choice need to better understand how people involved in
the pro-life movement begin to become incapable of thinking
rationally about the abortion issue.
The answer lies in the psychology of belief in God and the psychology of delusion. Delusion is a powerful state of mind which when induced divorces one from certain aspects of reality and restricts one's ability to think rationally. A delusion is induced by embracing any significant 'false' belief concerning the nature of reality, or as Jesus explains in New Testament scripture, "If the light within you is darkness, then great is that darkness."
The answer lies in the psychology of belief in God and the psychology of delusion. Delusion is a powerful state of mind which when induced divorces one from certain aspects of reality and restricts one's ability to think rationally. A delusion is induced by embracing any significant 'false' belief concerning the nature of reality, or as Jesus explains in New Testament scripture, "If the light within you is darkness, then great is that darkness."
also teaches in New Testament scripture that there are lasting
negative psychological consequences for anyone who believes and teaches something
false about the 'nature' of God. Jesus called the induction of
this particular delusional state, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
(The unpardonable sin) - being in a state of believing something
untrue concerning the 'nature' of God - ascribing wicked attributes
to the nature of God.
Leaders of the pro-life movement unwittingly ascribe wicked attributes to God by inferring it is the 'nature' of God to desire women to participate in the creation of life process against their will (should it be necessary) and to bring children into the world after a fetus has been shown to have birth defects.
Leaders of the pro-life movement unwittingly ascribe wicked attributes to God by inferring it is the 'nature' of God to desire women to participate in the creation of life process against their will (should it be necessary) and to bring children into the world after a fetus has been shown to have birth defects.
Nature is by far the most prolific abortionist, utilizing her own encoded wisdom to ensure the viability of a fetus before birth takes place. The God envisioned by the pro-life advocate denies that humans should use their own wisdom in a similar fashion, to ensure that no child is ever born unwanted, unloved, severely handicapped or without the vital resources to thrive – the most crucial factors that ultimately ensure the viability of a child.
The God of the pro-life movement has been envisioned by those who unwittingly and recklessly attribute wicked and irrational attributes to the 'nature' of God. Those who come to believe in this vision of God are stripped of their ability to think rationally about abortion and become enslaved to their fear of the anti-choice God.
contemplating giving birth because of their fear of the pro-life
vision of God would be well served to discard their fear – which is
not of God – and be sober and circumspect while making their reproductive decisions, because every newborn child will be subjected to the
circumstances of their birth. Only the individual woman knows
if she should allow a conception to come to term.
institutionalized fundamentalist religions undergo significant
intellectual reformation the world will remain at war with itself
politically over the issue of abortion and children will continue to
be born into environments unfit for the well being of their souls while all of mankind suffers for it.